Welcome to Perfect Telecom PTE LTD

Voice over IP (VoIP) technology allows telephone calls to be made over digital computer networks including the Internet. VoIP converts analog voice signals into digital data packets and supports real-time, two-way transmission of conversations using Internet Protocol (IP). The terms Internet telephony, broadband telephony, and broadband phone service specifically refer to the provisioning of communications services (voice, fax, SMS, voice-messaging) over the public Internet, rather than via the public switched telephone network (PSTN). VoIP also refers to voice calls that are routed over online,the IP that serves as the backbone of the Internet and is used to ferry e-mails, instant messages and Web pages to millions of PCs or Cell phones.

Know About Us

Perfect Telecom PTE LTD (Perfect)is a leading wholesale provider of international- Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) termination in countries throughout the world. Perfect is the brainchild of some investors from Asia and Eastern Europe and manager with proven experience in the telecommunications sector.We are located in Singapore with registration number: 201626043D. Our goal is to expand our partner database by expanding voice business and creating stability for long term relationship...

Our Popular Services

Our Voice Products

We provide below product to our Clients:
1.Wholesale Origination & Termination
2.DID Origination & Termination/Local Number Services (LNS)
3.Toll Free numbering termination (ITFS/UIFN)

SMS Products

We offer a special solution for enterprises to send their customers news, warnings or reminders, credit card statements, bills, promotional advertisements and greeting messages are just some of the common examples.Available as web service for users to send messages. Worldwide...

Voice Providers

If you are a Wholesale VoIP Carrier or Fixed Operator, Mobile Operator or Prepaid Calling Card Company, Voice over Broadband Operator or Call Shop Reseller or Call Shop Owner, we have a solution for your international voice need, please check our basic offerings.